Bill Gates has thrown himself into charitable work in the recent years with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. While his foundation, Gates tends to have a pretty normal day. He exercises, catches up on the news, works out, and spends time with his family. Gates likes a chocolate cereal called Cocoa Puffs. If he’s not traveling he starts his day in his Medina Washington property. Gates Likes tennis. I don’t know why. Gates checks the headlines each morning. He typically reads the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Economist. He shares his views on public health policy on Twitter. According to the Telegraph his schedule is broken up into five minute intervals – Space X founder Elon Musk does the same. Every moment is carefully planned. It’s a jam packed routine but the billionaire keeps track of his plans and ideas by jotting down notes. When it comes to lunch Gates has one favourite meal in particular. In a Reddit AMA, the billionaire responded “Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger!” Gates is a voracious reader and he always sets some time aside to hit the books. He also recommends a ton of titles on his blog. Gates can kick back and read in his enormous library. The domed room features numerous rare books including Leonardo da Vinci’s famed “Codex Leicester.” When he’s not working he likes to spend time with his three kids. He enjoys touring unusual locations like electric plants and missile silos with his son. He plays bridge on the weekends. So how does someone like this unwind at the end of the day? By doing chores apparently?!

How Bill Gates Works.